I talked about FEAR in my previous article. Stands for:
It is scary when you want something to change in your life.
But if you are afraid, your automatic response is that you just want to stay in your comfort zone.
There’s nothing wrong in staying within your comfort zone.
I also stayed in my comfort zone for a very long time.
But I realised, it can become even scarier.
In my experience, the more I stayed in my comfort zone, the more my comfort zone become smaller !
And as time passed, I lost my “fighting spirit”.
The danger is that when there’s a sudden change that happen, it is very difficult to cope up!
And don’t wait for the “sudden change” to happen.
Get out of your comfort zone!
As Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, said:
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."
In my next article, I will share with you my story how I got out of comfort zone.
Because I got out of my comfort zone, my life changed dramatically.
My views changed, I learned to grow better and outside my comfort zone, I found my wife😉
I hope this has been valuable to you, and I hope you get some nuggets of wisdom from this article.
If you find this content resonating with you, please share this with your network.
Thank you in advance!
Stay tuned. 👍