Sharpening the saw is like Investing in yourself. This always yields the best results!
Pedro and Juan were competing who could cut the most number of trees 🌳. Pedro was a muscular guy while Juan was a skinny guy.
Pedro immediately started cutting trees with his machete because he wanted to win the competition.
He was able to cut 2 trees fast but as time went by, he slowed down. He couldn’t cut anymore no matter how hard he tried.
Juan, on the other hand, managed to cut 6 trees and he won the competition. 🏆
Pedro asked him, “How did you do it?”
Juan answered, “I spent time sharpening my machete before I cut a tree 🌳”…
By sharpening his machete, he was able to cut down trees more efficiently, and it won't take as much effort.
According to ChatGPT:
The story illustrates the importance of taking time to renew and maintain one's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Just like sharpening the machete makes it more effective in cutting down a tree, taking care of oneself and engaging in activities that promote personal growth and well-being can make a person more effective in their work and life. It emphasizes the significance of self-care, balance, and continuous self-improvement.
In life, we should be smarter. We should not exhaust ourselves working and working even when things are not doing well.
Take time to reflect, take a break, take a walk, do something else aside from work or if you like, you can ask people around for suggestions.
If you need to study, spend time to study, use Google to find the answers. Because almost anything nowadays is on the internet.
Let’s learn to sharpen our brain!!!
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Till next time! 👍