"When you have synergy, 1+1 is NOT Equal to 2, but it can be 10, 100, or even more…”
This 6th habit of Highly Effective People called Synergy is something similar to Think Win-Win!
According to ChatGPT:
Synergy is the idea that when people work together, their combined efforts can create a result that is greater than the sum of their individual efforts. In the context of the book, Covey emphasizes that true teamwork and collaboration involve valuing and respecting the differences and unique strengths that each individual brings to the table.
What does that mean?
Let us say you can work alone and your output or result is 1.
And another person also works alone and his output is also 1.
Normally, if both of you work together, you can say your output is 2!
However, when people work together in Synergy, the output can be more than 2! It can be 10, or 100 or even more!
Which means, there is magic in working together! You can accomplish a whole lot more than you can imagine!
I have lead a lot of different teams and I realized, when team members work in Synergy, can accomplish more!
When you work with a team, you may have a choice not to work with people you don’t like! But most of the times, you don’t have a choice at all!
Most people have difficulty working with other people that they don’t like.
When people understand the concept of Synergy (Working Together), they consciously learn to set aside their emotions, their heart aches, their ego and pride and work together towards a common goal where everyone can benefit!
I have seen different teams getting destroyed because team members are not willing to work together!
I realized, one of they key ingredient to success is having a team that works together in Synergy! They work as one! They are united! They are aligned! They have the same direction!
It is amazing how a team can work in Synergy!
It takes a lot of:
1. Understanding
2. Humility
3. Patience
Let’s learn to work in Synergy!
If we all do this, the world 🌎 can be a better place!
If you find this very helpful to you, I would appreciate you share this to your friends and to the people that matter to you most!
Till next time! 👍