Once you start deciding that you need to get out of your comfort zone or expand your comfort zone, exciting things happen.
Why? Because your brain will tell you not to do it. Your brain will tell you that it's going to be painful for you. Your brain will tell you that you will fail and once you feel that you are going to fail, you're not going to do it anymore.
Fear of failure kicks in.
Your brain, your body is programmed to protect you from doing the things that are not easy to comprehend, the things that you have not done before.
In other words, if there are new and unknown things, your body won't like it.
That happens to me many times and it still is happening to me right now.
Just like this article. This is supposed to be published on Thursday at 7 am, Singapore time.
However, procrastination, kicks in.
I procrastinated and procrastinated until now it's Friday, 11:30 in the evening.
Since I've been putting this off, I remembered there was a YouTube video by this lady named Mel. She shared about how to overcome procrastination and it's one of the most profound steps to overcome procrastination that I have learned.
It's called “5,4,3,2,1 go!”
So I did it. The moment I said “5,4,3,2,1 go!”, my brain started working.
So if you are experiencing procrastination right now, I would suggest you do the same.
Count down 5,4,3,2,1 go!
Don't wait for the perfect conditions.
Just do it now!
I hope this has been valuable to you, and I hope you get some nuggets of wisdom from this article.
Thank you very much for your time and for reading this long article.
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