There was a story of a father and a son. They were very poor.
One day, the father decided to venture out of their place because he wants to have a brighter future for his son.
He heard that a distant town is looking for workers so he decided to go there.
So he packed their things, and took their donkey. He took his son, put him on the donkey and they started their journey.
When they arrived at the first town, the people started talking, saying “Oh, this child should be the one walking because his father is already old”.
The father heard and they switched places. The father was riding the donkey and the child was leading the donkey.
When they arrived at the 2nd town, the people said, “Oh, how come the old man was riding on the donkey, it should be the child?”
The father heard and what they did was both of them hopped on the donkey.
When they arrived at the 3rd town, the people said, “Poor donkey, carrying the weight of the father and the child. The donkey must be struggling.”
The father heard and finally, they both walked and pulled the donkey.
When they arrived at the next town, the people said, “That’s crazy, why are they walking? They should hop on to the donkey”.
This story is about the reality in life.
No matter what you do, a lot of people will still criticise you.
We cannot please everyone.
Just do what is right, and don’t mind what the people are talking.
Ignore the noise!
Till next time! 👍