Which is the Best? Leader vs Nurturer vs Thinker vs Promoter?
Be the best and you will make people understand you better!
A subscriber read my previous post How to Make People Understand You Better and he privately messaged me asking:
“How come I know someone who is both Leader and at the same time, he is also a Thinker, is it even possible?”
The answer, YES! It is possible that a person has more than 1 personalities. But there is always one which is the most dominant!
For example, some people are Leader AND Thinker, but the most dominant personality is his being a Leader. This type of person is bias to action. Which means, at most stressful times, instead of being paralysed because of too much analysis (Analysis Paralysis), he will decide and act fast.
Some are Nurturer AND Leader but most dominant maybe is his being a Nurturer. Which means instead of having “do whatever it takes” mindset, he would tend to consider the welfare of the people around him. Take very cautious steps not to hurt anyone.
Then my subscriber added:
Which one is the best? Is it the Leader? Or is it the Thinker because they are smart?
It is normal to think that Leaders are the best. Or the Thinkers because they are smart.
I also asked that question to my mentor and his answer was quite interesting.
He said:
The best is the one who knows how to adapt to all types of personalities!
So it doesn’t matter whether you are a Leader or a Thinker or a Promoter or a Nurturer.
What matters is that you know how to adjust and adapt to all types of personalities!
👆That is the secret how to make people understand you better!
When you adjust and adapt to any personalities, you tend to get along with others! And people will like you! You will have few enemies! 😉👍
Meaning, you are less likely to hurt anyone and start treating them how they wanted to be treated - see the Platinum Rule!
LEADER - you need to level up your game, you respect their decision, when they ask you something do it with your best, you don’t show that you are superior than them, you level up with them - meaning you help make things happen, you help them figure things out and you don’t show them that they made a mistake publicly, otherwise, you will be eaten alive 😱
NURTURER - you talk to them nicely and politely 🙏, you don’t shout at them, you don’t embarrass them in front of others because they are very sensitive, you don’t push them, most of them are sacrificial - meaning they put others first, but don’t abuse that, don’t make them the do things that Leaders do
PROMOTER - don’t be boring when you are with them, don’t talk about numbers, statistics, more serious stuffs, or highly intellectual things - it will bore them, talk about something fun 🥳, like travels ✈️, parties, outings, they love to be at the front, make them shine
THINKER - don’t challenge or insult their intelligence - in most cases, what you will share with them, they “already know”, most of them are calculative and they love to be always right, don’t argue or debate with them - you will lose, if you think you win, think again, because their brains are hard-wire to reason and always be right😉
Those are the very high level guidelines how to treat each one of the personalities.
When you treat them how they wanted to be treated, they will treat you as an ally, not as an enemy.
Once they feel that you are on their side and they will feel you respect them, you will gain their respect and they will try to apply the Golden Rule - they will reciprocate! They will respect and understand you back!
As what John Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care!”
I hope this has been very helpful to you!
Good morning,
Only agree on one point - “People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care!".
It takes time to know and discover another's personality including the dominant personality.
Whatever it is let God lead and take charge of the situation.
God bless!